Core Competency
NKEMB has a core competency in Turnaround time and customer satisfaction. Our core competency i.e. customers services and turnaround time is our area of specialized expertise that is the result of harmonizing complex streams of technology and work activity. Our capabilities are considered core because they differentiate our company strategically. NKEMB has always tried its best to identify and develop company’s core competencies and this has over the years helped our management keys to sustain our company’s long-term competitive advantage. Also our company’s newly defined competencies add value to our bottom line and become an integrated part of company culture. Every individual who is direct or and indirect part of NKEMB is aware of its culture and competencies and makes sure to put its 200% to maintain this culture. For example, every individual working in NKEMB is sure of our competency i.e. customers satisfaction and each one of them carries his/her activities keeping it in mind and tries to satisfy customers need and satisfies them at their respective levels. NKEMB’s Core competency is difficult for competitors to imitate. Our quality, turnaround time and they way in which we have maintained our customers over the years, is difficult for our rivals to assess.